求人数 152 件 2025/03/29
佐藤 和子|Kazuko Sato
プリンシパルAfter she had graduated from Waseda University majoring in Science and Engineering, she joined IBM Japan, Ltd.
After being in charge of clients in manufacturing business as a system engineer, she transferred to PR department so that she could be involved in IT industrial trends from a wider perspective. When she became more interested in supporting manufacturers in Japan again, she transferred to a solution sales department for manufacturers and supported 3D facilitation for the automotive industry. After that, she became a start-up member of the cloud business at IBM Japan, Ltd. and took part in business planning and partner strategy.
Utilizing her experience having built a satisfying career in the fast-growing IT industry and having provided many of her co-workers with career advice, she became a career consultant.
At a recruiting agency, she achieved high results supporting career changes of system integrators/IT professionals becoming consultants and career upgrades of IT consultants becoming strategic business consultants.
She joined Concord Executive Group Inc., hoping to help her clients expand their career potentials, by accurately understanding their experience and preferences and discussing with them about their unknown potentials.
SEとして製造業のクライアント企業を担当した後、幅広くIT業界の動向に関与するため、広報/宣伝の部署に異動し、戦略製品に関するマーケティングのプランニングから実行までを担当。その後、改めて日本の製造業を応援したいという想いが強くなり、同社の製造業担当のソリューション営業に異動し、自動車業界の3D化促進を支援する。さらに、IBM JapanにおけるCloud事業立ち上げメンバーとして、ビジネスプランからパートナー戦略支援にも従事。
渡辺 秀和
Hidekazu Watanabe
小寺 礼香
Ayaka Kotera
落合 茂宏
Shigehiro Ochiai
竹端 直弥
Naoya Takehana
吉田 和久
Kazuhisa Yoshida
髙木 月人
Tsukito Takagi
冨澤 慈人
Yoshito Tomizawa
宇田 陽香
Haruka Uda
土門 憲史
Kenji Domon
朏 徹
Toru Mikazuki
濱本 ひかる
Hikaru Hamamoto
西谷 有生
Yuki Nishitani
岡部 光邦
Mitsukuni Okabe
高橋 真紀
Maki Takahashi
福島 悠介
Yusuke Fukushima
餘茂田 一成
Kazunari Yomota
染谷 勝成
Katsunari Someya
清田 祐介
Yusuke Seita
糸永 隆介
Ryusuke Itonaga
藤崎 敬太
Keita Fujisaki
佐藤 勇介
Yusuke Sato
佐竹 尚
Nao Satake
植野 星香
Seika Ueno
佐藤 和子
Kazuko Sato
西條 恵子
Keiko Nishijo
矢田 真奈
Mana Yada