求人数 139 件 2024/11/21
渡辺 貴也|Atsuya Watanabe
エグゼクティブコンサルタントHe graduated from the School of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University. During his studies, he had experiences such as studying abroad in the Czech Republic and interning at a media management company. After graduation, he joined Fast Retailing Co., Ltd., where he gained management experience as a store manager before moving to the company's head office. In HR, he was involved in domestic and international new graduate recruitment projects, as well as the global recruitment of experienced engineers and data scientists. During his time at Fast Retailing, through interviewing, he encountered the career concerns of hundreds of employees he was involved in hiring. This experience reinforced his belief in the importance of each individual maximising their skills and being passionate about their work. Motivated by these experiences, he wanted to support individual careers and help create fulfilling work environments, which led to his role as an Executive Consultant at Concord Executive Group.
その過程で「 1人1人 が自分の能力を最大限に発揮し、仕事に活気を持って取り組むこと」が重要であると痛感。
渡辺 秀和
Hidekazu Watanabe
小寺 礼香
Ayaka Kotera
落合 茂宏
Shigehiro Ochiai
竹端 直弥
Naoya Takehana
吉田 和久
Kazuhisa Yoshida
髙木 月人
Tsukito Takagi
朏 徹
Toru Mikazuki
宇田 陽香
Haruka Uda
瀧田 聡
Satoshi Takita
冨澤 慈人
Yoshito Tomizawa
土門 憲史
Kenji Domon
福島 悠介
Yusuke Fukushima
西谷 有生
Yuki Nishitani
岡部 光邦
Mitsukuni Okabe
高橋 真紀
Maki Takahashi
濱本 ひかる
Hikaru Hamamoto
染谷 勝成
Katsunari Someya
佐藤 勇介
Yusuke Sato
清田 祐介
Yusuke Seita
糸永 隆介
Ryusuke Itonaga
餘茂田 一成
Kazunari Yomota
矢田 真奈
Mana Yada
佐藤 和子
Kazuko Sato
植野 星香
Seika Ueno
渡辺 貴也
Atsuya Watanabe
佐竹 尚
Nao Satake
西條 恵子
Keiko Nishijo